helps you to find more information about the medicine that your doctor prescribed for you to treat the ill you have or understand the basic underlaying function and how it works and to know more about the composition used in particular drugs. We share all the information and data about any medicines like "Tablet, Tube, Syrup, Gel, Paste, Suspension, Liquid, Capsule, Sachet, Powder, Ointment, Kit, Injection, Cream, Solution, General". No matter what kind of your medicine is, we do our best to provide full details about the each drugs.
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Checkout the top medicine searched in our site, it helps you to get a quick view of the medicine that you are looking for without searching.
- Gastropan 40mg Tablet
- A Kare Kit
- Pantovent LSR Capsule
- Medoxil 250mg Tablet
- Geripan Gel
- Olet 2.5mg Tablet
- Stompan Capsule
- Weltop DSR Capsule
- Amodip 5mg Tablet
- Erzol 20mg Tablet
- Rabicer D Tablet
- Biotop DSR Capsule
- Visco 200ml Syrup
- Digeford Mint 170ml Suspension
- Olinstab 5mg Tablet
- Atria 10 mg Tablet
- Rado L Capsule
- Pepsigard P 100ml Suspension
- GE GEL 170ml Liquid
- Pepsigard GEL 200ml Syrup
- Geripan L Capsule
- SKF 100ml Suspension
- Amlovin 2.5mg Tablet
- Sprin 75mg Tablet
- Nastor 20mg Tablet
- Nastor 10 mg Tablet
- Olagress MD 2.5mg Tablet
- Lipivent 10 mg Tablet
- Tricaine MPS Gel 200ml Syrup
- Sucral Tablet
- Diabexol M 2mg Tablet
- Megarite MPS 200ml Liquid
- Ampro Tablet
- Misoprost 200mcg Tablet
- Prolanz 5mg Tablet
- Pandom DSR Capsule
- Pionorm 30mg Tablet
- Practomet G1 Tablet
- Piza 40mg Tablet
- Nosic 10mg/10mg Tablet